Most items at InknTech.com offer free shipping. We offer more items with
free shipping than ANY of our competitors! And unlike many of our competitors which do offer free shipping, we don't ask you to spend a MINIMAL amount in order to receive free shipping. When we say free shipping, we mean FREE SHIPPING. We don't have hidden fees or fine print, which is why InknTech.com, is simply a better place to shop.
1. How do I qualify for FREE Ground Shipping @ InknTech?
- As specified, FREE SHIPPING applies to most
of our items. Free shipping applies wherever you see the
free ship logo
- Add the qualified free ship items to your shopping
cart, and select the Free Shipping option.
- Proceed to Checkout
- Ship your item(s) to a valid U.S. address within
the continental U.S.
- Checkout and enjoy. It's that simple!
Please note: For tracking information, an email
will not be sent. Please log into your account to check your
tracking information and order status. Tracking information
may not be available for up to 72 hours, but is usually
available within 1 business day from the time you placed
your order. Most orders ship within 1 business day. |
Certain exclusions may apply
- Canceling items, combining orders, or changing your
shipping address or shipping preference might affect your
order's eligibility for Free Shipping.
- Applicable to orders that qualify for FREE SHIPPING and
when FREE GROUND SHIPPING is selected as the shipping
method. For faster shipping, please select 3 day, 2nd day or
Next day. Applicable shipping charges will apply for faster
shipping methods.
- Applicable to delivery addresses within the 48
continental United States. Excludes Alaska, Hawaii, Canada,
Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
- Applicable to orders
that use a promotional coupon or online coupon code.
- FREE SHIPPING is Non-Applicable to APO/FPO Addresses
2. Expedite shipping is not guarantee due to act of god such as weather conditions.
Click here for more info
For quantities of 10,000 or more, please contact our professional sales support staff (909-248-2725) who can assist in obtaining a trucking company (freight) quote which is more beneficial to large volume.
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